Nurturing Hope: The Vital Role of Post-NICU Care

When your baby graduates from the NICU, a new phase for your family begins: post-NICU care. It’s exciting to bring your baby home (congrats!) but we know it can also feel overwhelming to manage their important medical appointments, therapies, medications and more. The good news: We’re here to help. Read on to find out more about the importance of post-NICU care and tips for navigating this new journey.

The Importance of Post-NICU Care

Your baby is well enough to leave the hospital (yay!), but there’s still a lot to do. By keeping up with your child’s medical needs, you’re giving them life-changing benefits, including:

  • Continuity of Specialized Care: Post-NICU care extends the specialized medical attention your baby received in the NICU. It ensures that any ongoing issues are addressed promptly and comprehensively.

  • Monitoring Growth and Development: Premature babies often require close monitoring of their growth and developmental milestones. Regular check-ups with pediatric specialists are crucial in assessing progress and intervening as needed.

  • Early Intervention for Developmental Delays: Babies who spent time in the NICU may face developmental challenges. Early intervention services such as physical, occupational, and speech therapies can make a significant difference in their progress.

  • Immunization and Infection Prevention: Premature infants often have weaker immune systems. Staying up-to-date with vaccinations is essential in protecting them from preventable illnesses.

9 Tips for Managing Your Child’s Post-NICU Care

Your baby’s health is your number one priority—but how can you support them most effectively (without losing yourself in the process)? Follow these tips for managing medical appointments, therapies, vaccinations and more.

Medical Appointments

  • Establish a Comprehensive Schedule: Collaborate with your pediatrician to create a structured appointment schedule. This will include well-baby check-ups, specialist visits, and any additional screenings or tests deemed necessary.

  • Maintain Thorough Records: Keep detailed records of your baby's medical history, including any diagnoses, treatments, and medications. This information is invaluable for both your healthcare providers and you as parents. Journaling can also be a helpful tool for remembering important details.

  • Communicate Openly with Healthcare Providers: Share any concerns, observations, or questions with your healthcare team. They are there to support you and provide the best care for your baby. 🎙️ Listen to our top tips for communicating with your pediatrician.


  • Early Intervention Services: We can’t stress this enough—early intervention can be life-changing! Enroll your baby in early intervention programs as recommended by your healthcare provider. These programs are designed to address developmental delays and promote healthy growth.

  • Participate Actively in Therapy Sessions: Engage with therapists during sessions. Ask questions, seek advice, and learn techniques to support your baby's progress at home.

  • Incorporate Therapies into Daily Routine: Practice suggested exercises or activities with your baby at home. Consistency is key in reinforcing progress made during therapy sessions. Ask your baby’s therapists for ideas on how you can do this! They have tons of ideas.


  • Adhere to the Recommended Vaccination Schedule: Follow the vaccination schedule provided by your pediatrician. This schedule is carefully designed to protect your baby against serious illnesses.

  • Stay Informed about Vaccine Safety: Stay informed about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Reliable sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide accurate information.

  • Maintain Open Communication with Your Pediatrician: Discuss any concerns or questions you may have about vaccines with your pediatrician. They can provide tailored advice based on your baby's specific medical history.

Through regular medical appointments, therapies, and vaccinations, you can provide your little one with the best possible start in life. Remember to maintain clear communication with your healthcare team, do your best to keep thorough records, and stay informed about your baby's specific needs. With dedication and support, you can nurture hope and set the foundation for a bright future.


Unhealed Scars: The Unexpected Trauma Following NICU Discharge—And How I Overcame It


25 | A Conversation with Jennifer Degl, Author, Speaker, Maternal & Neonatal Health Advocate