25 | A Conversation with Jennifer Degl, Author, Speaker, Maternal & Neonatal Health Advocate



Jennifer Degl is the mother of four, including a micro preemie born at 23 weeks gestation. As the founder of Speaking for Moms and Babies, Inc., her mission is to educate the public on maternal and neonatal health issues. She's also the author of three books and has published articles in both the Journal of Pediatrics and the Journal of Perinatology.

Jennifer described coming home from the NICU with one word: Scary. This shouldn't be the case! At NICU Alumni, the heart of our mission is to support families like Jennifer's, so they feel more secure and less anxious when they leave the NICU.

Quick Notes from the Episode:

  • As a primary caregiver, you often don't focus on yourself. Most of the time, you might not even recognize how you're feeling.

  • Take advantage of peer support. It's incredibly helpful to talk to someone who understands the experience you've been through. 

  • Here are some organizations we love that offer this support: 

Jennifer's NICU Alumni Grad Guide - her advice for after the NICU: 

    • Remember you're not alone. Trust your gut! Don’t be afraid to advocate for your kiddo.

    • Get connected - whether locally or virtually, and in whatever way that works for you! Some more recommendations from Jennifer include: 

      • NICU Parent Network, with members across the United States and Internationally.

      • Call your NICU, they may be able to recommend local support

      • Author, Kasey Matthews and her book on her experience as a mother to a preemie

      • Jennifer’s memoir - hearing from others who have gone through a similar experience can help and may inspire you to write your own story! You don't have to be a published author to write, and journaling can really help with your healing process.

      • Jennifer's children's book about the NICU experience

      • Jennifer's children's book about bedrest (co-written by Angela Davids, creator of www.KeepEmCookin.com, an educational website and online support group for women who are experiencing a high-risk pregnancy.)

As you heal mentally and physically through your journey you are a better help and support for your baby!

Connect with Jennifer through her website  or Instagram, and check out the blog post she shared about our podcast interview here.


A special thanks to the Prolacta Bioscience Foundation for supporting the NICU Alumni podcast!



You can also support our mission and help create brighter futures for babies that have graduated from the NICU (who we affectionately refer to as NICU Alumni) and their families by donating here.

The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as medical advice.


Nurturing Hope: The Vital Role of Post-NICU Care


Transitioning Home from the NICU