04 | Entrepreneur, Social Impact Extraordinaire, and 2x NICU Parent, Felecia Hatcher



Felecia Hatcher currently serves as CEO at Black Ambition; a bold organization founded by Pharrell Williams that catapults and invests in ideas and companies led by Black and Latinx entrepreneurs, scaling business ventures in media and entertainment, consumer products and services, healthcare, technology, and Web 3.

Tomorrow is Nov 17th which is also World Prematurity Day. We thought it would be really special to talk to Felecia during this time as she is someone who is truly a “Social Impact Extraordinaire”, and is someone who has also had a similar shared experience to our NICU Alumni families, being a 2x NICU Grad parent herself.

Quick Notes from the Episode:

  • There is community in the NICU, people who you start to get to know who are going through the same shared experience as you.

  • There are also experts that know your child and see your child every day, so when it’s time to go home, it can feel daunting and can feel like no matter how long your child was in the NICU, you aren’t going to be enough of an expert.

  • You know the terminology, you can ask the questions, and you can become an advocate for your child and for yourself. 

  • You can ask your medical providers to slow down, let them know when you don’t know what they mean, ask them to give you a minute to write it down and even ask them how to spell it.

  • “How can I help?”, and, “Are you ok?” can be the hardest questions for us to answer. Felecia recommends having 2 or 3 answers ready to answer those questions. 

  • So much is required of us in the hard season of the NICU and then transitioning to home after the NICU. It’s okay to receive help, especially when someone is offering!


A special thanks to the Prolacta Bioscience Foundation for supporting the NICU Alumni podcast!



You can also support our mission and help create brighter futures for babies that have graduated from the NICU (who we affectionately refer to as NICU Alumni) and their families by donating here.

The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as medical advice.


05 | Dietician for Children Ages 0-3, Deb Malkoff-Cohen


03 | Co-founder of ICU baby, Beth Simonton