03 | Co-founder of ICU baby, Beth Simonton



Beth Simonton is the proud mother of 3 children, the

youngest of which is her NICU baby. She is also the co-founder and CEO of ICU baby and believes that every parent should have the opportunity to be at their baby’s hospital bedside and she is passionate about removing barriers for NICU parents to be able to accomplish that.

Quick Notes from the Episode:

  • When a child comes home from the hospital after a NICU stay, you may expect it to be all done, but you’re really just beginning the next chapter.

  • Sometimes you’re ready for the day, prepared for the appointments, fully stocked and loaded, but something happens and you’re still caught off guard; know that there will be hard days, and it’s ok. The next day you can start over. 

  • The NICU experience is traumatic, and you carry that with you once you’re home, especially in those first months.

  • A good cry in the car is totally normal! I know I can relate to that!

  • Many times, the Pediatrician is the first new member of your child’s care team after the NICU, and they are also managing all of your specialists who send them reports.

  • When you’re meeting with your Pediatrician take a list of questions! Leverage those meetings, think of that time as your time to, “Ask an Expert”.

  • If the Pediatrician doesn’t know, they can typically connect you with someone who does.

  • You can learn more about Beth and ICU baby at www.icubaby.org, as well as on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Click here for opportunities to volunteer!


A special thanks to the Prolacta Bioscience Foundation for supporting the NICU Alumni podcast!



You can also support our mission and help create brighter futures for babies that have graduated from the NICU (who we affectionately refer to as NICU Alumni) and their families by donating here.

The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as medical advice.


04 | Entrepreneur, Social Impact Extraordinaire, and 2x NICU Parent, Felecia Hatcher


02 | A Welcome Home letter from Ali Dunn: It’s Not The End