29 | An Interview with Music Therapist Alexa Marsellos



Alexa Marsellos, a board-certified music therapist and music educator joins us to discuss how she implements adaptive music lessons for students of all ages and abilities. In 2023, she founded Neurobeat Music Therapy (@neurobeatmusictherapy), a practice dedicated to fostering growth, improving lives, and advocating for the transformative power of music therapy.

Quick Notes from the Episode:

  • Music therapists work with people of all ages, and all diagnoses, utilizing music to achieve non-musical goals.

  • You don’t have to be a musician to incorporate music into your daily life and integrating it into fun learning.

  • Once you get home — give yourself grace. Your baby is learning and growing, and so are you!

  • As your kiddo grows, they’re going to develop and outgrow methods that worked previously, don’t be afraid to try new things and to look for new strategies.

  • Check out the article Alexa wrote for the NICU Alumni Resource Library where she not only shares about the resources below but provides support and advice on how to explore play and music therapy with your child.

Resources for finding children’s' songs:

Social Media Accounts with resources and DIY activities:

Brands that have sensory toys and also share resources: 

Music toys and instruments with links for unfamiliar ones:

Disclaimer: We have not received any compensation from these organizations to share their resources and information with you.


A special thanks to the Prolacta Bioscience Foundation for supporting the NICU Alumni podcast!



You can also support our mission and help create brighter futures for babies that have graduated from the NICU (who we affectionately refer to as NICU Alumni) and their families by donating here.

The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as medical advice.


Monitoring Your Baby's Health: a Post-NICU Guide


Music in Early Childhood Development